Reading Runes

There are as many different ways to read the runes as there are ways to cast and read any divinatory system. Any of the books you can get on the market will provide you with several different ways to read runes, including complicated, multirune castings. But here we’ll start with three easy castings that will allow you to begin working the stones immediately and getting used to their energies and how they operate.

First, a word about casting methods. It’s not necessary to come up with a huge elaborate ritual that includes casting a circle, calling quarters, invoking deity, etc., every time you want to do a reading. But you should develop a routine for starting and conducting a reading and stick to it. My routine goes something like this:

I spread out my rune cloth, then pour the stones onto the cloth, right side up. I put them in their alphabetical order, the blank rune standing separate from the rest, and then I say, “Holy Goddess, mother of earth, mother of us all, guide my hand as I cast the runes, guide my mind as I interpret their meanings, guide my soul as I take them into my life.” Then I turn them all over and stir them around clockwise, using my right hand to stir as I concentrate on the question I am posing. I select the runes and interpret.

You can incorporate candles or incense, or have your own special way of doing things. You can even do the whole elaborate setup if that’s what plucks your duck. It’s all about what works for you. It doesn’t matter WHAT you do as long as you do it each time you read the runes; the routine will set your mind up for divination, and that’s the goal here.

Wording your questions is also important when reading runes. Unless you are doing a yes or no reading (see below), asking the runes a question that can be answered by a yes or no isn’t going to work. It’s best to word your question in a general way. For example, if you are asking relationship questions, you wouldn’t want to ask the runes, “Is Jimmy cheating on me?” A better question would be, “What do I need to know about my relationship with Jimmy?”

Now, on to the castings.

Cast #1-One-Rune Draw

Pose your question and draw one rune. This one is great for a daily casting, to use the runes as a guide for your day. For example, before going to work, you ask the runes, “What do I need to know to make this day successful for me?” You draw Ansuz, right side up. I would read this as meaning communication is very important for you on this day; be sure to explain yourself clearly, to speak up when necessary and to listen to what others need to say to you.

Cast #2-Three-Rune Draw

Pose your question and draw three runes. The first rune is Overview; it gives you a general understanding of your question. The second rune is Course of Action; this rune tells you what your options are and what you might want to do. The third rune is Outcome; self-explanatory.

Cast #3-The Yes or No Draw

This cast allows you to pose questions that can be answered with a yes or no, and I credit this to Tony Willis and his book ” Discover Runes.”

Pose your question and draw three runes. Take note of how many runes are upright or reversed. If the runes you draw are nonreversible, then you need to know if their meanings are generally negative or generally positive.
When all three runes are positive, the answer is definitely yes. When all three runes are negative, the answer is definitely no, but the meanings of the runes will usually tell you why and what you might be able to do to up your chances of success.

When two runes are positive and one is negative, the answer is yes, but some aspect of the situation will not meet your expectations. Again, the meanings of the runes may clue you in to what aspect this is. When two runes are negative and one is positive, the answer is no, but it may not be too bad in the end.

Two negative runes with a nonreversible rune should be treated like three negatives.

For those of you who use the Blank Rune, this next part is important. If the Blank Rune appears in your yes or no draw, it means one of two things: either the question is not ready or able to be judged, or you are better off not knowing the answer. After waiting a day, you can ask the question again. If the Blank Rune appears again, you can try asking the runes a third time. However, if the Blank Rune appears a third time, then you really should give up asking the question because you are simply not meant to have an answer.

Once during a session, I gave a yes or no reading to an acquaintance. She did not tell me what her question was (I don’t require that querents ask their questions out loud unless they want to), but when the Blank Rune came up and I told her that I couldn’t give her an answer, she laughed.

“I’ve asked that question every time I get a reading, and I always get the same answer,” she said.

“Then the gods are telling you to stop asking the question,” I told her.

Rune Script

Like most other divinatory methods, runes can be used in your magickal work, but also as with most other divinatory methods, it takes a lot of practice.

The simplest way to use runes in your magick is to add them in as you would a correspondence such as color or planetary hours or herbs. Let’s say you’re making a happiness herbal bag for yourself; it’s easy to simply draw the rune Wunjo on a slip of paper and add it to the herbal bag.

One of my favorite runes to use in protection magick is Thurisaz. Now, granted, you have to use it carefully. The best way to use Thurisaz as a protection rune is to surround what you are trying to protect with a ring of Thurisaz runes. Remember, Thurisaz is the protection of the thorn; so if your object of protection is surrounded by a ring of thorns, what will happen to the person trying to do harm? That’s right-they’re going to get pricked. Handy.
Another way to use runes magickally is to use them in runescripts and bindrunes. Tony Willis discusses these in his book Discover Runes, and that is where most of the following information comes from.


Instead of using a rune as just another correspondence in a given spell, runescripts are the spell. Essentially, you are arranging the runes in such a way that they are indicative of the desired result. So if you’d want to cast a spell to get a new job, you could select the correct runes, write them down in a specific order, and voila! Instant spell.

Now, this isn’t as easy as it sounds-remember what I wrote in the first paragraph of this section: using runes in magick takes a lot of practice. When writing a runescript, you need to know exactly what each rune means, and (even more importantly) you must write them in the correct order to produce the desired effect. If you’re planning on using Isa in a runescript, for example, you first need to be sure you actually want to freeze something, and then you need to make sure that you’re not freezing the wrong thing by putting Isa in the wrong place in the script.

So, let’s look at a sample script to get an idea of what I’m talking about. This example is taken from Tony Willis, by the way, so let the credit go to him. Also, some of his meanings might be a little different from what I have written on each individual rune’s page, so please excuse any inconsistencies you might spot.

Let’s say you want to safeguard your computer from theft or from breaking down at the most detrimental moment (this runescript will not prevent it from ever breaking down, but it will keep it from doing so while it’s in use, allowing you to save and salvage important work/documents). Write the following runes down, in the exact order presented, on a slip of paper:

Kenas, Isa, Othel, Raidhro, Ansuz

The first two runes are Kenaz and Isa. Kenaz in this runescript is used to protect (in this case, your computer) and Isa puts a hold on it; in other words, it “freezes” it in your possession. (Willis recommends the Kenaz/Isa combination as a good start to any runescript whose purpose is to preserve an object or objective because, for him, it means “to protect and freeze” in that order.) The third rune, Othila, denotes what it is you are protecting, a possession. Raido and Ansuz, at the end, indicate what kind of possession it is, in this case a mode of communication (although for my money, I probably wouldn’t use Raido, just Ansuz, but that’s just me. The script, as written, is highly recommended.).

Once you’ve written your runescript down, bless and consecrate it, stating to the gods the purpose for which it is intended. Then you should keep it on you, or on the object it is intended for in this case, until it has served its purpose. Once it’s finished, burn the paper. For the Protect the Computer script, it won’t ever be “finished” per se, but you may want to create a fresh runescript every three months or so and burn the old one.

It’s best to use an odd number of runes in your runescript-three, five, seven.

The Blank Rune

Tthe use of the Blank Rune in a rune set is the subject of much debate. It is said, and I am willing to agree, that ancient rune masters did not use the Blank Rune. I’m not certain that our Teutonic forebears would have recognized a blank stone or wooden disc as a rune, because runes by definition are symbols or glyphs of some kind.

Freya Aswynn, in her book “Northern Mysteries and Magick,” writes that changing the order or position of any of the runes (with the exception of Daeg and Othel) “would invalidate the entire combination of spiritual symbolism presented by the complete futhark,” which means the use of the Blank Rune would be inaccurate at best and spiritually wrong at worst. I have even heard from some people who believe that those who include the Blank Rune in their rune castings should not be respected or even believed.

While I can appreciate the reasoning behind not using the Blank Rune, I come down on the side of using it in my rune set. Yes, I know that it is historically inaccurate, and I am willing to agree that ancient Teutonic rune masters didn’t use it. Ancient pagans drove their cattle through the Beltaine bonfires, too, but you won’t catch me anywhere near a cow on Beltaine. And even though cows do not feature in my yearly Beltaine celebrations, I doubt that anyone would tell me that my sabbat is historically inaccurate and that I should start driving cattle through the fires post haste.

These are modern times, and we are modern rune casters. Therefore, I think that using a modern addition such as the Blank Rune is acceptable. However, if you wish not to, then go right ahead. There are many paths toward the destination, and as long as you’re on the path that works for you, then have at it, I say!

Now, let’s talk about what the Blank Rune means.

Runes are thought of as mysterious, as secrets, and the Blank Rune is the biggest secret of all-the secret of Fate. It stands apart from the rest of the runes, even as it has become a part of the divination system. It represents the X in the human condition.

The Blank Rune is also called Wyrd (pronounced “weird”), which is the collective name given to the Norns, the three goddesses or fates of Teutonic mythology. Their individual names are Urd, Verdandi, and Skuld; they represent the three aspects of time-past, present, and future. The Norns rule over the karma that each person has accrued during his or her incarnation.
Wyrd indicates fate-those events that are fated or inevitable. They cannot be evaded, no matter what you do. Those events indicated in the reading may be good or bad, and the other runes in the cast will determine the nature of the event.

Wyrd also indicates fatefulness. When it falls in a prominent position, it indicates that if a particular step or choice is taken, life will never be the same again. Again, this could be good or bad. The rune or runes in the result position will often guide the querent as to what move he or she should make.

Finally, the Blank Rune in a reading can indicate anything that must be kept secret for the good of the querent. It can signify things relating to others that the querent has no business knowing. Wyrd is often prominent in rune casts where the querent is asking for information that is none of his business.

Odin Rune

The blank rune. This rune represents the unknowable. It is the past, present and future. This rune represents all knowledge. This is the cosmic power of fate. Drawing this rune indicates that you are in immediate contact with your own true destiny. Odin represents Karma. Something unexpected is going to come to you. Sometimes it means that the matters in question are ” in the hands of the gods”. It may also mean that should a certain step be taken, life will never be the same for you. This rune represents things that are presently hidden from view. If the issue in question is regarding someone else, it means that you are seeking information that you have no right to know. Look at the surrounding runes for clues. If Odin falls with Gifu or another love rune, it could indicate a wonderful new relationship coming into your life. (possibly representing a “karmic reward” ) . Basicly, this is the rune of fate or that of the gods.

No Reverse


This is the rune of possessions. Othe represents those items that you have or will aquire. often represents that which you have inherited, including property, possessions and character traits. With Sigel, it means a hard worker, someone who works hard for there possessions. This rune represents someone inspired. (Especially when in a runecast with Mannaz or Ansuz.) This rune can mean help from older people or old friends. Overall, Othel represents property and legacies.

Othel Reversed
Delay and frustration are indicated when you draw Othel Reversed. Loss in the areas of your possessions is shown. There may be legal problems or maybe the changing of a will. You might be trying to go too fast, slow down. With positive runes in the cast, success may be possible, but further off than you want. Be patient, and pay attention to detail. Don’t expect any financial help, and by all means, do not try to “buck the system” in any way. If you do, or have already, Othel Reversed is a warning that someone like an I.R.S. agent will step into the picture. Othel Reversed is sometimes an indication of legal problems regarding land or property. This is especially true if shown with Jera.

Converse: An apparently worthless inheritance has hidden treasures. The honest or just way may be hidden from you.

Alternate Names: Utal, Odal, Otael
Ancient Meaning: Property acquired by heredity
Keywords: Ancestry, prosperity, inheritance, family
Description: Othala represents a solid, immovable home, prosperity and safety. Good fortune based on your heritage and character is yours to enjoy.
Reversed Description: Othala reversed represents chaos and homelessness—a general lack of roots. Now is a time for you to take care of that which you have, so as not to lose it.
Astrological Correspondence: The Moon
Tarot Correspondence: The Moon
Gods/Goddesses: Odin
Color: Deep Yellow
Tree: Hawthorn
Herb: Gold thread
Stones: Diamond, Emerald, Ruby, Clear Quartz, Amber
Animals: Eagle, wolf, raven, bear, hound, sheep, cow, swine, cock, hen, horse, bee, salmon, peacock, ibis, octopus, owl
Element: All Elements
Magic: Regeneration Balance of the elements Actualization of dreams Comprehends the Oneness of the universe Increased wisdom


This is the rune of growth and increase. There are no negative aspects to this rune. If Daeg is surrounded by negative runes, it shows an inner strength that can be used during difficult times. This rune counteracts against delay runes. It shows slow and steady growth and progress. Daeg is the dawning of a new day full of hope and optimism. This rune could indicate a major change in your life (one for the better). With Mannaz, it could mean that things will get better through the help of others. It is possible that this rune is describing the entrance of enlightenment into your life. Shown with Wunjo Reversed, Othel Reversed or Hagall, this rune indicates that you are drawing problems towards yourself by dwelling on them. Keeping a good attitude can enhance your situation a great deal.

No Reverse

Converse: A false dawn. The time is not right for change. The daylight is yet to come. Persevere and trust in your strength and ability.

Alternate Names: Daaz, Dagr, Daeg, Dagur
Ancient Meaning: Light of Day
Keywords: Light, enlightenment, polarity, awakening, intuition, well-being
Description: Dagaz represents the fresh light of a new day. You are close to making a breakthrough. You have the will to change whatever you deem necessary. You may see the world with absolute clarity at this time.
Reversed Description: NONE
Astrological Correspondence: The Moon
Tarot Correspondence: Temperance
Gods/Goddesses: Odin
Color: Blue
Tree: Spruce
Herb: Clary sage
Stones: Lapis Lazuli, Amazonite, Azurite, Sapphire
Animals: Wolf, raven, horse, eagle, bear
Element: Fire
Magic: Awakens the light within you, Embodies the powers of light and darkness, Increases magical patterns, Spiritual enlightenment, Protects from harm, Energizes


Ing is a rune of completion, it represents a time in your life when all your loose strings are tied and your are free to move in a new direction. Ing represents a successful conclusion to the problem at hand. This is a rune of relief. A time of no anxiety. Ing shows a milestone in your life, very possibly the realization of a dream. When paired with BEORC it is the birth of a child, with Fehu it’s a new job. With Gebo or Wunjo, the milestone is a new love affair. Sometimes this rune brings news of a stranger coming into your life. This rune shows the ending of an old phase of your life and the beginning of more exciting times. Positive energies and feelings of deliverance are indicated. This rune describes good fortune. Ing only has a negative meaning when all the other runes are negative in the runecast.

No Reverse

Converse: Love, harmony or peace may be hard to achieve, but persevere. A lover may be shy – help them to declare.

Alternate Names: Enguz, Ing, Ingvarr
Ancient Meaning: The Earth God
Keywords: Energy, gestation, integration, male fertility, protection
Description: Ingwaz signifies completion, success and fertility. Your present ambitions are about to be met. You are fecund in both mind and body.
Reversed Description: NONE
Astrological Correspondence: Moon
Tarot Correspondence: Judgement
Gods/Goddesses: Ing, Nerthus
Color: Yellow
Tree: Apple
Herb: Self-heal
Stones: Malachite, Rose, Quartz, Citrine, Golden Topaz, Aventurine, Amber
Animals: Cow, goat, horse, ox, dove, bee
Element: Earth
Magic: Increases and channels energy, Completes or redirects patterns, Symbol of rebirth and awareness, Protection, Focuses energies, Love and sex magic


This is a feminine rune of intuitive knowledge. Whenever you draw this rune it is advising you to follow your intuitions. Psychic ability is high. This is especially true if Perdhro is in the cast. It may mean that you are being guided or protected by higher forces. (It is unlikely that you are aware of them.) It may also mean a prophetic dream. In relationships, this rune represents the woman. Finding this rune in a cast indicates that by use of your intuitions and imagination, you are capable of dealing with any problems that may arise. In a mans reading, it represents a strong and supportive female in his life. This rune represents good memory and success in learning. It shows use of your imagination. Things will go your way. Lagaz indicates a time of relaxing, cleansing and re-evaluating your life. In the result position of a spread, it means that others will be sympathetic, understanding and helpful (especially when paired with Mannaz).

Lagaz Reversed
Lagaz Reversed is an indication of a period of confusion in your life. You may be making wrong decisions and misjudgments that will poorly affect your actions. Lack of creativity and feelings of being in a rut are indicated. This is a bad sign unless surrounded by positive runes. You will be or already were misled by your intuition into something you can’t handle. Temptation to do the wrong thing, or to take the easy way out is strong. Get out of any bad situation as fast as you can (unless Lagaz Reversed is surrounded by delay runes ). Lagaz Reversed often warns you that there is a woman (no matter what your gender) who will bring trouble (including betrayal or backstabbing) into your life. You will recognize her as someone with neurotic tendencies. If the runecast is otherwise positive, it might mean a strong female who will help you, though she will no doubt ask you to make it up later. If Lagaz Reversed is paired with Perdhro, you have failed or are failing to use your wisdom and instincts.

Converse: Beware mariners or others associated with water who may be trying to trick you.

Alternate Names: Laaz, Logr, Lagu, Logur, Laukr
Ancient Meaning: Life energy, growth
Keywords: Fluidity, life force, birth
Description: Laguz is the feminine Rune. It denotes a deep sexuality and fertility. Laguz also represents that which is ever changing and renewal. You may be in a tremendous spiritual growth period.
Reversed Description:Laguz reversed foretells a period of stagnation, sensual numbness and lack of creativity.
Astrological Correspondence: Moon
Tarot Correspondence: The Star
Gods/Goddesses: Njord, Ran
Color: Dark Blue-Green
Tree: Willow
Herb: Leek
Stones: Aquamarine, Azurite, Calcite, Chrysocolla
Animals: Swan, seal, sea gull, duck, whale, dolphin, otter, beaver
Element: Water
Magic: Expansion of physical and spiritual life, Comprehends and assimilates your emotions and desires. Negative energy is discarded, Unwanted patterns are washed away, Increased awareness


Mannaz is the rune of assistance and team work. You can expect to receive some sort of aid or cooperation now. Possibly in the form of good advice. (Especially if paired with Ansuz.) Surrounded by positive runes, Mannaz indicates that now is a very good time to implement any plans. It speaks of constructive activity with the assistance of many people. Mannaz in your reading hints to be on the lookout for a new acquaintance, one that will enlarge your outlook and contacts. If the surrounding runes are negative, you may have blown a problem way out of proportion and are on the verge of giving up. In that case you may be too caught up in a problem to solve it, and should seek advice from someone. It is important for you to have a positive attitude now. If it needs adjusting, do it. If there are delay runes (Nied, Isa, Othel and Ansuz Reversed) the time is not right for projects. Take special care to remain modest. This rune may indicate magical ability especially if paired with Perdhro or Lagaz. Although Lagaz in a spread with Mannaz may also mean trouble with women, as always, look to the placement in the spread and the surrounding runes.

Mannaz Reversed
This rune appearing reversed tells you to expect no help now. Mannaz Reversed in your reading may indicate a time when you are feeling isolated and lonely. Perhaps you have (or will) separated yourself from others to “pull yourself together”, and reflect on your life. There will be obstacles, ( especially if found with Hagall or Nied) and someone or more likely a group may be interfering in with your business. If this is the case, look at the surrounding runes to show how to deal with them. If Isa or Nied are in the runecast, the advice is to wait. With Jera, the advice is to use legal means. When paired with Tir, the advice of Mannaz Reversed is to fight. Selfishness on your part may be part of the problem. You should try and see things from point of view of someone else.

Converse: The person referred to is being covert or dishonest.

Alternate Names: Manna, Madr, Mann, Madur
Ancient Meaning: The divine ancestor or sky god
Keywords: Godhood and goddesshood, memory, humanity, order, intelligence, ancestors, sacred union
Description: Now is the time for you to explore your inner self and those of others. Your intelligence and creativity are very well honed at the moment. Cooperation from and with others should be very easy to attain.
Reversed Description: Mannaz reversed may indicate you are in a period of depression. Be careful when making serious decisions at this time. Trust only those whom time has proven trustworthy.
Astrological Correspondence: Jupiter
Tarot Correspondence: The Magician
Gods/Goddesses: Heimdall, Odin
Color: Rainbow
Tree: Holly
Herb: Madder
Stones: Bloodstone, Ruby, Garnet, Amber, Rainbow Tourmaline, Smithsonite, Amethyst
Animals: Wolf, raven, eagle, hound, cow, horse, fly, bear, salmon
Element: Air
Magic: Amplifies knowledge, memory, and wisdom, Comprehends the polarities of personality, Increases understanding of social order, Enhances achievement of your full potential