Spell for Depression

3 black candles
3 white candles
cedar chips, rose petals, catnip, cinnamon

Go outside, somewhere where you can feel the air, and open a circle.

Kneel in the middle of the circle facing east. Place the candles in a semicircle in front of you, and light each one. On a fire proof plate, start a small fire of cedar chops. Sprinkle the rose petals, catnip and cinnamon in the fire while saying:

Earth and Fire, Water and Air
Hear my prayer, Hear my prayer
Take this depression,
Take it away
Give me the strength
To face a new day.

When the fire dies down, splash a little blessed water on the fire.
Take the wet ashes and throw them as far from you as you can and say:

With these ashes go my pain,
From the healing fires,
New strength regained.

Thank the elements for hearing you, and close the circle

Problem Go Away Spell

To solve a problem that has no seeming solution, write it down briefly over and over on thirty small sheets of paper. Make the words smaller and smaller on each succeeding sheet, so that they fill the first sheet but are so tiny on the last sheet that they can barely be read. Staple
these sheets together into a booklet. Each day, tear off one sheet and destroy it either by ripping it into tiny fragments, or burning it. As you destroy the sheet, say:

Days pass, leaves fall,
Time is stronger than us all.

When the last leaf of the problem booklet is destroyed, go forth confident that the problem has lost its power over you and can be overcome once and for all.

by Donald Tyson

Nightmare/Insomnia Spell

flax or linseed
chamomile (optional)

Flax or linseed is used to make linen cloth, so if your sheets are linen, you are already set. Although flax is most often used in money and healing spells, there are many medireview references to using flax around the bedside to ward off evil. Eucalyptus is also used primarily for healing, but it is a strong repellent to evil spirits or any form of disease.

Lift up your mattress and sprinkle a handful of flax seeds and eucalyptus leaves underneath. If you are experiencing nightmares add a pinch of coarse salt.

For insomnia add a pinch of chamomile.

Bathtub Banishing

This spell will aid in banishing a sickness or habit that is troubling you.

For this spell, you will need:
White and blue candles
Ritual Soap
Sea salts
Washable marker (crayola works great)

Note – the colour of the marker should symbolize the problem you are banishing. Also, ritual soap could be anything from specially handmade soap, to soap you’ve consecrated and reserved only for ritual workings, such as ritual cleansing and such.

Light the candles and the incense. The white candle represents positivness and the blue represents the element of water. Cast your circle and invoke whoever you choose to aid you. I also suggest calling at least the element of water to help you as well. With the marker, draw on your body a symbol of what is troubling you. It could be something as simple as writing the word. If you can, write it on the part of your body that is affected, such as drawing on your stomach for digestive ails. Really see the problem concentrating into the marker ink. Fill the bath and add a teaspoon or so of sea salt to the water. This aids
in purification.

With your athame, or failing that, your fingernail or even a paperclip, carve a purifying symbol into your soap, such as a broom, flame, or crescent. Get into the tub, and using the soap and your hands, clean off the symbol you drew on yourself; see the problem dissolving into the water with it. When you have cleaned it off, get out of the tub and drain it,
seeing the problem draining away and out of your life. My personal suggestion is to dry off with a big white towel, as white is the colour of purification. Thank any deity and elements you invoked, close your circle, tidy up, and remember that you’ve shown your problem who’s boss. A final note – don’t use the soap for anything but ritual purposes. Make sure it stays away from family members who might be apt to use it as well.

Banish Negative Energy from a House

Take four black candles and put them at each of the cardinal points of your house. Next to each candle put a piece of onyx or lodestone or a piece of magnetized iron. Light the four candles and see them sucking up all the negative energy in the house and channeling it back into the earth through the stones.

Next take a stick of incense (frankincense or sandalwood is best) and draw a banishing pentagram of Earth at each window, wall, door and corner of your house. (To draw a banishing pentagram of Earth: start at lower left then up to top then down to right then across to upper left point and back to upper right point and finish at lower left point.) Visualize the negative energy being pushed beyond the pentagram and locked outside as you complete it.

After the candles have burned a bit and you feel that the have absorbed the negative energies bury them outside around the house (in the four directions). Leave the stones where they are, and visualize them as a spiritual electric fence that

Banishing Spell: Getting rid of an unwanted lover

Take a small square of paper and write on it the name of the annoying would-be lover. Use black ink for this. Then light a white candle and burn the piece of paper in its flame while thinking of the person running away from you. Catch the ashes in something (burning the paper over an ashtray is a good idea) and carry them out to your back porch or backyard. There you must place the ashes on the upturned palm of your right hand and hold it up saying:

Winds of the North, South, East and West,
Carry these affections to where they’ll be best.
Let his/her heart be open and free,
And let his/her mind be away from me.

Then blow on the ashes so that they scatter to the winds. It is best to do this spell on a Saturday, during the Waning Moon, and when the winds blow strong.