Sabbat Dates/Times 2010

The Sabbats are based on astrological times. Culturally, we celebrate Beltane on May 1st, but the actual cross quarter time always falls a few days later, around the fifth of May. I personally recognize & honor the power of both days. All of the following times listed are in Universal Time.

February 3rd, 22:30

Spring Equinox
March 20, 17:32

May 5, 14:32

Summer Solstice
June 21, 11:28

August 7, 14:45

Autumn Equinox
September 22, 03:09

November 7, 12:33

Winter Solstice
December 21, 23:38

Mabon Prayer

Adapted by Akasha Ap Emrys

Autumn colors of red and gold
As I close my eyes tonight
Such a wonder to behold
I feel the God/dess hold me tight
Watch leaves turning one by one
Though it grows dark, I shall not fear
Captured bits of Autumn Sun
For Divine Love protects all here
Soon they’ll fall and blow away
Through the night, until the morn
The golden treasures of today
When the shining Sun’s reborn
When the trees are bare
Time to sleep, time to dream
And the ground grows cold
Till warm gold rays upon me stream
These warm memories
I’ll still hold.

Mabon Spell


Cast a magic Circle or get into a magic space. Bring with you the following:


In a circle, anoit the candles with the Mabon oil. Hold the gold candle and charge it with words to bring prosperity. So mote it be. Charge the black candle to draw you all that is safe, correct, and granted by the Gods and Goddesses.

Place the candles in the holers and as you light them say: This flame is the light of the God Mabon and the Mother Goddess Modron. Light the charcoal. Put a pinch of Prosperity Incense on it.

Take the paper and write your spell, what ever it may be, what ever you may want. Repeat this outloud, speaking to Mabon and Modron. Thank them for the bounty they have given you in the past. Think of the Wheel of the Year that has come before, and be truly thankful for all you have been granted.

Smudge the spell in the smoke of the incense by passing thepaper through the rising smoke. Roll the spell and tie with some yellow thread or cord and set it aside. Place the fabric square or magic bag in front of you with some gold cord to tie it. Pick up your dried herbs and stone one by one. Hold them in your hands. Lift your hands and show them to the God and Goddess. Visualize htlight of the God and Goddess striking the object. Place the herbs and stone in the mag, tie , and set aside.

Snuff out your candles or let them burn. You may want to relight them at a time when you want to again cast the spell. Carry the spell and magick bag with you.


Mabon Recipes

Cheater Baked Apple
teaspoon brown sugar for each apple
teaspoon cinnamon for each apple

Core and wash one apple per person. Place in individual sherbet dishes. Fill each apple with cranberries, brown sugar, and cinnamon. Microwave until baked (approximately 3 minutes per apple). Serve warm, topped with whipped cream.

Mabon Apple Crisp
6 cups sliced and peeled apples
2/3 cup flour
1 1/3 cup Oatmeal
1 cup Brown Sugar
1/2 teaspoon Salt
1 teaspoon Cinnamon
2/3 cup Melted Butter
½ cup of walnut (optional)

Spread apples evenly on the bottom of an oblong baking dish. In a bowl mix together remaining ingredients until everything is moistened. Spread evenly over top of apples. Bake in a 375 degree oven until apples are soft (about 30 minutes) and topping is crisp.

Serve warm or cold. I like warm apple crisp topped with vanilla ice cream! YUM!!
Recipe by: Pauline Mansberger.

Harvest Morning Muffins
3 eggs
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1 cup grated apples
1 cup grated carrots
1 cup whole-wheat flour
1 cup all-purpose flour
1 tbs. baking powder
1/4 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. cinnamon

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Lightly grease a 12-muffin tin or line it with paper liners. Set aside. In the bowl of an electric mixer, blend the eggs, sugar and oil until well combined. Stir in the grated apples and carrots. In a separate bowl, sift the flours, baking powder, salt and cinnamon. Blend the dry ingredients with the apple mixture until just combined. Spoon the batter into the muffin tins and bake for 25 minutes.
Makes 12 muffins.

Baked Squash and Apple Casserole
1 small Butternut squash, about 2 pounds
2 apples, cored, peeled, sliced
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup cold margarine
1 tablespoon flour
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg

Peel squash, scoop out seeds, and cut in small pieces.
Place squash and apple slices in oblong baking dish (7×11-inch). Blend remaining ingredients with fork or pastry cutter until crumbly.
Distribute over squash and apple.
Cover and bake at 350 degrees for about 45 to 50 minutes.
Serves 6 to 8.


Mabon Ritual

Items for this ritual include: Two brown or yellow candles for the altar; Chalice; A basket of apples; enough for the circle boundary (they need not touch each other); Three additional apples; A sharp knife to cut the apples; Several gourds; Blackberry wine or juice; A small bowl of hazelnuts; Vines (real or from a craft store) to decorate your altar (optional); Drum (optional).

This is Mabon, time of the second harvest. We enjoy a wealth of good food and weather that is neither too hot nor too cold. Beauty surrounds us as autumn colors begin to blaze. We reap the beauty and bounty of this earth. We also reap the fruit of the seeds we have symbolically sewn in our lives this year. Tonight we take time to count our blessings and give thanks to the Lord and Lady.

The vine dance can be done in group or solo rituals because it is the dance step that creates the “vine.” To move deosil, your left leg will advance your step. Your right leg will move first, behind then in front of the left to simulate the winding growth of a vine. Place your right foot behind the left, then step sideways with your left foot. Cross your right foot in front of the left, and then take another step with your left foot. Keep alternating the movement of your right foot behind, then in front of your left.

The Ritual
Take an apple from the basket and hold it in both hands. Feel the wisdom and love of the Goddess; feel her generosity. Walking deosil, place apples on the floor to mark your circle as you say:
This is an ancient symbol of the Goddess; of her great knowledge and power of healing. It holds her wisdom, and provides a gateway into other realms. As above; so below. Sacred is this space decreed with the riches of the Great Mother’s body.

Cut two apples in half across their middles.
This sacred fruit contains the five-pointed star—the symbol of my ancient faith and connectedness to all life.

Place half an apple at the edge of the circle in the respective directions after speaking.
Spirits of North, element Earth, your golden fields provide the promise of a comfortable winter. I celebrate in the abundance of your blessings. Join me in my circle this night.

Spirits of East, element Air, your warm summer breezes yield to the autumn chill that gives birth to a blaze of bright color. I appreciate the blessings of the beauty you bestow on this world. Join me in my circle this night.

Spirits of South, element Fire, your brilliant August sun is becoming a memory that will dance through my heart in the dark months to come. May I find your spark to illuminate my path ahead. Join me in my circle this night.

Spirits of West, element Water, your cool autumn rains wash the emptying fields to make way for a winter’s rest. May I receive the blessing of your cleansing showers. Join me in my circle this night.

Cut another apple in half. Hold one half at a time as you call the Goddess and God. After speaking, place it on the altar and light a candle.
Sun King, Corn King, God of the Harvest, your seed has provided a bounty that has greened the meadows and filled the fields. As the burning embers of summer are overtaken by darkness and you begin your descent to the Underworld, bestow your blessings on my circle.

Great Mother Goddess, Brigid, Demeter, Queen of the Harvest, your body has provided abundance and beauty. As you begin your metamorphosis into Crone, bless me with your wisdom.

Lord and Lady of the Harvest, as this year wanes into darkness, come to me one last time as Queen and Consort. Join me in my circle this night.

Take a moment or two and give thought to what you have been blessed with this year. When you are ready, go to the altar and take a gourd from the basket. With both hands raise the gourd above the altar and say:
Lord and Lady, I thank you for ______________ (state the blessings you have received.)

To give power to your thanks as you release it to the world, raise energy with the vine dance. As you move around the circle, chant:
Harvest dance, go round and round,
With blessings for all to be found.

After the energy has reached its peak and has been released, bring your dancing and chanting to an end. Take a few moments to ground your energy.
My world passes from summer into the dark of the year. On this day of the Equinox, this day of balance, I pause on the threshold where light begins to fade. As the nights grow longer it is time to reflect on my life and cultivate inner wisdom.

Raise the bowl of hazelnuts, saying:
Hazel is a symbol of wisdom. I call on the Wise Ones to guide me through the dark that lies ahead. Teach me to hear the inner voice that whispers of ancient ways.

Raise the wine, saying:
Blackberries, fruit sacred to Brigid. Sweeten my lips and warm my heart with memories of this summer past.

Perform the Great Rite, lowering the athame into the chalice, saying:
The Horned One returns to the belly of the Mother.
The Great Goddess transforms into the powerful Crone.
I follow them into darkness, as two become one.
The seasons change, the Wheel of the Year turns.

Pour the wine into the chalice, saying:
Mother, bless this wine and food.

Before taking a bite of the hazelnuts and a sip of wine say, respectively:
May I never hunger. May I never thirst. I look ahead to the darkness for rest and renewal.
Great Mother, as you enter your most powerful aspect of Crone, I ask that you favor me with your wisdom. Guide me through the coming dark. I bid you farewell.

Extinguish one of the candles.

Horned One, Warrior of Light, go to your rest and dream of rebirth. Endings are beginnings. I shall await your return. I bid you farewell.

Extinguish the other candle. Pick up the half apple placed at the edge of the circle for each direction, and then place it on the altar after speaking.

Spirits of West, element Water, thank you for your presence this night. Stay if you will; go if you must. I bid you farewell.

Spirits of South, element Fire, thank you for your presence this night. Stay if you will; go if you must. I bid you farewell.

Spirits of East, element Air, thank you for your presence this night. Stay if you will; go if you must. I bid you farewell.

Spirits of North, element Earth, thank you for your presence this night. Stay if you will; go if you must. I bid you farewell.

The Lord has gone to his rest, and the Lady gathers strength. I witness their parting as the Wheel of the Year continues to turn. In faith and unity, blessed be.

Mabon Activities and Ideas

  • Do a thanksgiving circle, offering thanks as you face each direction — for home, finances, and physical health (North); for gifts of knowledge (East); for accomplishments in career and hobbies (South); for relationships (West); and for spiritual insights and messages (Center).
  • Dip colorful leaves in melted paraffin wax for altar decorations that may be enjoyed even after the celebration or attach to a wreath for your head
  • Make a dried leaf mobile
  • Make wine
  • Take a walk in a wild place with your family or circle members; Sing songs and talk about all the things you’ve done over the summer and spend time discussing other things you’ve done together in the last year; gather wild seeds and seed pods to decorate your circle for ritual.
  • Gather dried leaves, herbs, plants, seeds and seed pods
  • Scatter offerings in harvested fields
  • Offer libations to trees
  • Have a potluck feast with a group of friends and loved ones to celebrate the abundance of the season.
  • Adopt someone in a nursing home. As a family, take your special person baked goodies and colored pictures. Read them books or tell them stories.
  • Walk around your neighborhood picking up garbage. Do what you can to improve your home and prepare for winter.
  • Pick a subject that interests the whole family. Go to the library or find other resources and study that subject. Together, share what you’ve learned.
  • Cut an apple in half to show the star inside. This is a reminder that all life is renewed in some way.
  • Bake cored apples filled with butter and cinnamon as a special treat.
  • Create decorations for your front door out of colored leaves, pine cones, nuts, acorns and Indian Corn bundles.
  • Honor the birds and small animals in the wilderness or by your home by making a bird feeder filled with seeds and grain.
  • Make rattles out of empty gourds and sunflower seeds or seeds collected from nature walks. Use the rattles to make music or scare away bad dreams.
  • Look at your family habits and figure out what you can do to improve your conservation habits. Can you use less water or recycle more of your garbage?
  • Go through your garden, tending it, thanking the plants and flowers for their abundance, harvesting whatever is ready-try collecting seeds of non-hybridized plants for next year
  • Make a mandala of seeds and grains on the ground, an offering of the Mother’s gifts to the animals and birds; infuse it with specific magick that will be released as the seeds are consumed or scattered.
  • Share your abundance…collect a basket of goodies from your garden or pick up a few extras when shopping at a local farmer’s market to share with a neighbor who has no garden, or who has had a rough year; gather donations of food and/or clothing for a favorite charity.
  • Arrange baskets of fresh fruit and baked goods for friends or family
  • Fill a basket with pine cones, fruits, colorful dried leaves, wheat, acorns, and fallen pine branches and leave it by your altar or door
  • Cook up a Mabon soup with carrots, onions, potatoes, radishes, and/or corn

Customs: offerings to land, preparing for cold weather by bringing in harvest, cutting willow wands( Druidic), leaving apples upon burial cairns & graves as a token of honor, walks in forests, gather seed pods & dried plants, fermenting grapes to make wine,picking ripe produce, stalk bundling

Spellworkings of Mabon: Protection, prosperity, security, and self- confidence. Also those of harmony and balance. Taboos:It was considered unlucky to cut down the very last of the Harvest, and so was also left to stand in the field by some traditions.

Activities of Mabon: Select the best of each vegetable, herb, fruit, nut, and other food you have harvested or purchased and give it back to Mother Earth with prayers of thanksgiving. Hang dried ears of corn around your home in appreciation of the harvest season. Do meditations and chanting as you store away food for the Winter. Do a thanksgiving circle, offering thanks as you face each direction – – for home, finances, and physical health (North); for gifts of knowledge (East); for accomplishments in career and hobbies (South); for relationships (West); and for spiritual insights and messages (Center). Decorate the table with colorful autumn leaves in a basket. Display the fruits of the harvest – corn, gourds, nuts, grapes, apples – preferably in a cornucopia. Or decorate with wildflowers, acorns, nuts, berries, cocoons, anything that represents the harvest to you. Like its sister equinox, halfway across the Wheel of the Year, the Autumn Equinox is a good occasion for a ritual feast. Plan a meal that uses seasonal and symbolic fruits and vegetables. You can serve bread, squash, corn, apples, cider and wine. Make some homemade wine or cordial gather and dry herbs, plants, seeds and seed pods. Make grapevine wreaths using dried bitter-sweet herb for protection. Use ribbons of gold and yellow to bring in the energy of the Sun, and decorate with sprigs of dried yarrowor cinnamon sticks. Make a protection charm of hazelnuts (filberts) strung on red thread. Make a witch’s broom. Tie dried corn husks or herbs (broom, cedar, fennel, lavender, peppermint, rosemary) around a strong, relatively straight branch of your choice. Make magic Apple Dolls Gifts of the Harvest can be used to make tools and emblems that will remind us of their bounty all year round. Look for colored leaves. Collect fallen leaves and make a centerpiece or bouquet for your home. Save the leaves to burn in your Yule fire. Vist an apple orchard and, if possible, pick your own apples. Hang apples on a tree near your home. Watch the birds and other small animals who will enjoy your gift. This is also the time for replacing your old broom with a new one. As the broom corn is ripe now, besom making is traditional and magickal this time of year. Begin the festival with a vineyard or orchard harvest. You might check the farm lands in your area to see if there’s an orchard or pumpkin patch that allows customers to harvest produce for themselves. Traditionally Sabbat festivals begin at sun set on the eve of the Holiday. You can use the daytime hours of this holiday eve to prepare baskets for harvesting the next day. Baking a pumpkin pie (from scratch if possible) is a wonderful way to bring in the fragrance of the holiday season.

More ideas here.


Mabon Correspondence

Activities and Rituals: Celebration of the Second Harvest, ritual sprinkling of leaves, protection, prosperity, security, and self-confidence. Also those of harmony and balance the Mysteries, Equality

Incense: Autumn blend made by combining: benzoin, myrrh, and sage, also these incenses separately

: Sapphire, lapis lazuli, and yellow agates.

Colors: Red, russet, maroon, brown, gold, scarlet, purple

Symbols & Decorations: acorns, Indian corn, wine, gourds, pine cones, acorns, grains, grapes ,corn, apples, pine cones , pomegranates, vines such as ivy, dried seeds, dried leaves , dried flowers, and horns of plenty.

Herbs, plants and flowers: Acorn, benzoin, ferns, grains, honeysuckle, marigold, milkweed, myrrh, passionflower, pine cones, rose, sage, Solomon’s Seal, tobacco, thistle, vegetables , wheat

Foods: Breads, grains, seeds, dried fruits and beans, baked squash, nuts, apples, pomegranates, and vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, and onions, wine

Deities: Goddesses – Modron, Morgan, Epona, Persephone, Pamona, Bona Dea, Land Mother
and the Muses Gods – Mabon, Thoth, Thor, Hermes, Sky Father, and The Green Man.


Mabon Short History

Mabon, (pronounced MAY-bun, MAY-bone, MAH-boon, or MAH-bawn) is the Autumn Equinox. The Autumn Equinox divides the day and night equally, and we all take a moment to pay our respects to the impending dark. We also give thanks to the waning sunlight, as we store our harvest of this year’s crops. The Druids call this celebration, Mea’n Fo’mhair, and honor the The Green Man, the God of the Forest, by offering libations to trees. Offerings of ciders, wines, herbs and fertilizer are appropriate at this time. Wiccans celebrate the aging Goddess as she passes from Mother to Crone, and her consort the God as he prepares for death and re-birth.

Various other names for this Lesser Wiccan Sabbat are The Second Harvest Festival, Wine Harvest, Feast of Avalon, Equinozio di Autunno (Strega), Alben Elfed (Caledonii), or Cornucopia. The Teutonic name, Winter Finding, spans a period of time from the Sabbat to Oct. 15th, Winter’s Night, which is the Norse New Year.

At this festival it is appropriate to wear all of your finery and dine and celebrate in a lavish setting. It is the drawing to and of family as we prepare for the winding down of the year at Samhain. It is a time to finish old business as we ready for a period of rest, relaxation, and reflection.

Originally from Bewitching Ways

Mabon Long History

Mabon, pronounced May-bon, MAY-bun, MAY-bone, MAH-boon, or MAH-bawn, is the Fall Equinox, named after the Celtic God of the same name. This lessor Sabbat is known, not only by the name of Mabon, but also that of Harvest Home, Winter Finding and Alban Elved plus various other names, such as The Second Harvest Festival, the Festival of Dionysus, Harvest of First Fruits, Wine Harvest, Feast of Avalon, Equinozio di Autunno (Strega), Alben Elfed (Caledonii), or Cornucopia. The Teutonic name, Winter Finding, spans a period of time from this Sabbat to Oct. 15th, Winter’s Night, which is the Norse New Year. The Druids call this celebration, Mea’n Fo’mhair, and honor The Green Man, the God of the Forest, by offering libations to trees.

Since most European peasants were not accomplished at calculating the exact date of the equinox, they celebrated the event on a fixed calendar date, September 25th, a holiday the medieval church Christianized under the name of ‘Michaelmas’, the feat of the Archangel Michael. In medieval times, rents fell due and contracts were settled at Easter and at Michaelmas.

The Autumnal Equinox is an instant frozen in time. Mabon marks the halfway point between the zenith of the Sun at Litha and it’s nadir the night before Yule when our earth is at a complete equal facing with the sun which, at the equinox, enters the sign of Libra. This is the second time of year that day and night are equal, the first time being at Ostara. However, unlike at Ostara when the days will grow longer than the nights, after this day the darkness is beginning to gain over the day. Mabon marks the beginning of Autumn and the death of the land, that is to come, but it is also a celebration of life, as it is the second, and largest, harvest of the year. At this time we stop and relax and enjoy the fruits of our personal harvests, whether they be from toiling in our gardens, working at our jobs, raising our families, or just coping with everyday life. The full moon closest to the Autumn Equinox is known as the “Harvest Moon,” since farmers would also harvest their crops during the night with the light of the full moon to aid them.

The month of September also marks the “Wine Moon,” the lunar cycle when grapes are harvested from the arbors, pressed and put away to become wine. Wine and grapevines were considered sacred by early Pagans., The following of Dionysus, a God of Resurrection, reached its height of popularity in the eighth century BCE and the pagans of this following honored wine and the grapes as symbols of rebirth and transformation. Generally, wine is associated with the God, and the Goddess with bread created from the crops.

Mythically, Mabon is the day of the year when the God of Light is defeated by his twin and alter-ego, the God of Darkness. We see the Autumnal Equinox is the only day of the whole year when Llew, light, is vulnerable and it is possible to defeat him. Using astrology as a guide and metaphor we see that Llew now stands on the balance of Libra/autumnal equinox, with one foot on the cauldron of Cancer/summer solstice and his other foot on the goat or Capricorn/winter solstice. He is betrayed by Blodeuwedd, the Virgin (Virgo) and transformed into an Eagle (Scorpio).

Historically Mabon seemed to be a version of Young Huntsman and Divine Youth who, with the coming of the Romans, became associated with Apollo (as Maponus/Apollo) and was to the Greeks seen as the God, Mercury. He acquired his attributes of God of the Sun, Music, and Hunting and was very popular among the Roman soldiers stationed along Hadrian’s Wall, especially during the cold, gloomy winter. Faces of Mabon were found carved into the wall and were ritually blank as the mark of a youth who has studied or suffered for too long. Lochenmaben (a village) and Clochmabenstane (a standing stone), both in Dumfriesshire, were named after him.

Mabon is a Welsh name meaning “great son,” and refers to the Son of the Great Mother, The Divine Son of Light. H.R. Ellis-Davidson quotes the Venerable Bede, who translates Modron as the Mothers — plural. Modern translators give it as the Mother — singular. Linguistic evidence may well support the plural interpretation, for although Mabon ap is unequivocally Welsh, Modron may not be: in Saxon, the singular of Modron becomes Modr — recognizably mother. Suddenly we have, not as was always believed a corruption of the Latin Matrona, but good Germanic. Mythologically this festival celebrates the story of Modron, the Great Goddess of the Earth, and the birth of her son, Mabon. According to the mythology, Mabon disappears (or is kidnapped) three days after his birth (thus, the light goes into hiding). Mabon is veiled in mystery in the womb of the earth, here personified as his mother, the Great Protector and Guardian of the Otherworld. Though his whereabouts are a mystery, it is only here that he can once again renew his strength and gain new wisdom in order to be reborn to the Goddess as the Son of Light. This is accomplished at Yule (Winter Solstice), with the aid of the ancient and wise animals: Stag, Raven, Owl, Eagle and Salmon. One can readily see the connection of this myth to the natural events occurring during this time. It also speaks to us of the Wiccan Mysteries of Life, Death, and Rebirth, and the sacrificial nature of the God.

As the wheel of the year turns some traditions ready for a funeral. Mabon symbolizes the male side of the Harvest and is the son of the Great Mother Earth, Mabron also known as Maponus in Britain and Gaul. Mabon may also be seen as the child who is born at Yule and is the God of the Sun. He grew into a an energetic toddler at Imbolc. The forests were his playground for the sprightly youth with golden hair at Ostara. At Beltane we see him matured and with his new bride. During the growing season he has sent the warm winds from the South, glowing with all his might, to help the crops grow. He is a man in his prime at Litha, and, at Lughnasadh, a leader, provider and a teacher of His people. Now it is Autumn, winter is not far behind, and Mabon is a man of advancing years, still strong in intellect, but caged in a weakening body and dying like the harvested plants of the earth. The sacrifices of Lammas were successful and the bounty has come. While we thank him for all this hard work we realize he is returning home to the Otherworld, a wonderful and enchanted faerie place, so that he may be reborn at Yule to help us once again. In many traditions the Otherworld is equated with the Mother’s womb. Because the passing of Mabon is inevitable he should be mourned but we must remember that as with all cycles there are things that must end, but the ending is always a good time to celebrate our successes, thank our selves and those who helped us, and take part in the balance of life.

Mabon’s Mother, Madron is also tired now and is the kindly Old Grandmother Crone who watches over all of us with her wisdom. Her daughter the Mother Goddess is also here to celebrate the Harvest in which she has helped us grow. The Goddess, full with child, cradles her dying lover in her arms. He slowly withdraws into her arms.

In addition to the crops there were seeds to be prepared. The harvested crops may feed us over the harsh winter months but, in order to renew them at the end of this time, we must be sure to collect and store the seeds for their eventual rebirth. Contained within them is the mystery of Life in Death in the image of the Wicker Man, the Corn Man or John Barleycorn. In some cultures the last sheaf of grain to be harvested became the Barley-mother, the Old Woman, the Maiden, to be honored until spring and then re-planted. One of the most widespread traditions is the corn dolly made out of the last sheaf of wheat cut. Known variously as the Wheat Bride, Kern Baby, Old Woman, Wheat Mother, etc. it was kept carefully throughout the winter, then either plowed into the fields the following spring, or burned and the ashes scattered over the fields. Each district also had their own customs concerning the making of the dolly. Some simply made the doll from the cut stalks (averting their faces so that the Grain Goddess couldn’t tell who had struck the killing blow) while others left a tuft of wheat uncut, plaited it , and then had the men throw their scythes at it until it was cut. Some places made the carrying of the Corn Dolly to the house a kind of game where one man tried to run back with it without anyone else taking it away from him. This could be an early form of “football” and where the tradition of this game began. The embodiment of the Spirit of Vegetation, the dolly was put in a position of honor in the home. Sometimes a communal dolly was kept in the church and a large feast took place after the last of the harvest was in.

The sacrifice of John Barleycorn was another symbol known and used by many traditions. He is the spirit of the vegetation that is ‘sacrificed’ to harvest the food that will sustain the people through the winter months and into the next growing season. It should be noted that the annual mock sacrifice of the Wicker Man figure or John Barleycorn may have been the origin of the misconception that Druids made human sacrifices. The charge of human sacrifice was first made by Julius Caesar, who probably did not have the most unbiased of motives, and has been re-stated many times since. However, the only historians besides Caesar ,who make this accusation, are those who have read Caesar and use his reference. In fact, upon reading Caesar’s “Gallic Wars ” one finds that Caesar never actually witnessed such human sacrifice. Further, he never claims to have talked to or met with anyone else who witnessed such an event either. There is not one single eyewitness account in any historical manuscript that documents a human sacrifice performed by Druids. Further there is no archeological evidence to support the charge because if human sacrifices had been performed at the same ritual sites year after year there would be physical traces. No such evidence has ever been found, nor is there any native tradition or history, which lends support to this assumption. In fact, tradition seems to point in the opposite direction because the Druid’s reverence for life was so strict that they refused to lift a sword to defend themselves when massacred by Roman soldiers on the Isle of Mona. Irish Brehon Laws forbade a Druid to touch a weapon, and any soul rash enough to unsheathe a sword in the presence of a Druid would be executed for such an outrage. This in itself makes it highly improbable that the Druids ever would have condoned, led or performed any type of human sacrifice.

On another note the Fall equinox is the mating season for deer, and marks the beginning of the hunting season in many places. In British folklore this time of year is associated with Herne the Hunter, who leads a wild phantom chase through the forest, heralding confusion and change. In one Craft tradition the Fall Equinox is called “the Night of the Hunter,” when weak livestock which will not survive the winter must be slain.

This season also brings to mind the mythology of Persephone and Demeter. Some groups choose to celebrate the Sabbat by enacting this story in their Sabbat Circles, emphasizing the Mystery contained within the cyclical faces of the ever-constant Goddess

Today we realize that this is not only a time of the physical balance of day and night, but a time of magickal balance. Forces of dark and light are trading places once again in their cycle. Since this is one of the two days of balance in the year, along with Ostara, is it traditional to clean house. It is at this time that you begin to rid yourself of all of the clutter around your home and in your daily life. The thresholds of the house are blessed to protect those living inside. Foods are harvested, canned and stored, wood is chopped, animals begin to hibernate in preparation for the winter, and new clothes are bought and made for the colder times that await. Balance the outdoor activities with the mental activity of reading and storytelling. The harvest theme of Mabon cannot be denied. With all of the blessings we have received it is natural to use this time of year to show our gratitude.

Mabon has become a celebration of three main themes. These are reflection, grace, and balance. Although these themes are present every day, now is the day that we should give them our full attention.

In the physical realm this is the time for looking back upon the efforts of the past–not just this year, or the last, but also of your lifetime. Look back at this time and be sure to congratulate yourself on all those things you have done well, while, at the same time, being sure to think of things you wish to improve. As with any effort you may put forth there is always work on someone else’s part that allowed you to build upon it. Mabon is an excellent time to give thanks to all the time and energy put forth by others to help you. The work done by others not only helps you by making your work easier, it gives you a base to build higher than you could without it.

A feast of plenty on this day, in honor of the God, is traditional. Whereas cornbread was most appropriate at Lammas, wheat bread is best now to coincide with that harvest. Apples are ripening now, and nuts may be ready, as well. Do not forget fruit juices of apple and grape, whether or not fermented. One idea for a ritual gesture, it is to start a tradition of passing a “cup of gratitude” at this feast. To do this a chalice is filled with wine, blessed and passed around the table clockwise. As each person takes it, they speak about what they are thankful for and once they have spoken of all of their blessings, they drink from the cup, or pour a small amount into another cup, and then pass it on to the next person.

Magically speaking, this is an excellent time to perform spells around the idea of balancing out your life. Remove any guilt, and replace it with love and acceptance. The light half of the year from the spring equinox, until Mabon, is the best time of the year for outward turning magick. This magick is that which draws from and effects forces which lie outside of yourself. Spells which turn upon inner forces and mostly effect your own self will become more and more important as the dark half of the year grows in power.


Still interested?

I’ve been thinking about coming back and making resource posts again soon. Would you enjoy that? I went away because people were unhappy with a lot of the posts. I view this site as a great resource and I think it could really be great.

Also I’ve started to go back through older posts and credit the sources I forgot to credit! I do apologize for that! I truly meant no harm. I think that I just expected NO ONE to read this blog so when I started I was not as diligent about citations. I’ll be going over the older posts a little at a time and correcting this grave error.

I hope you all are doing well. Thank you and blessings!