September Full Moon Esbat

Summer is over, yet many afternoons are still warm. And while the nights become chilly, winter’s threat is not yet real. Our ancestors would be busy with the harvest, but for better or worse, we are removed from it. Most of us do not have to engage in the heavy labor of harvest, but the trade-off is that most of us no longer live close to the land. We should consider the time and conveniences of our modern lives a gift. This time we share together and our time in ritual are also gifts. Each of us has something to offer, and so tonight we will offer our gifts.

September Full Moon Ritual
Moon of the Harvest

Items needed for this ritual include: Six candles for the altar; A bowl of acorns; Vines, real or artificial, to decorate the altar (optional); Tape or CD to play during the core part of the ritual. You may want to select something with which people can sing or drum (optional); Drum or other percussion instrument (optional).

The Ritual

As you walk the perimeter of your circle, say:
Harvest moon, gather in,
I draw abundance to me.
Family, friends, those in need,
I share it all with thee.
Sacred is this space decreed in this harvest time.

Walk to the edge of the circle in the respective direction as you call each. After speaking, light a candle on the altar. Stand in front of the altar to evoke the Goddess and God.

I call to the North, to Earth, and invite you to my circle with your gifts of endurance, everyday existence and foundation. Be with me as the roots that connect me to sacred places. Spirits of Earth be with me this night.

I call to the East, to Air and invite you to my circle with your gifts of awareness, communication and inspiration. Be with me as the soft voice of nature. Spirits of Air be with me this night.

I call to the South, to Fire and invite you to my circle with your gifts of strength, sensation and courage. Be with me as the catalyst for transformation. Spirits of Fire be with me this night.

I call to the West, to Water and invite you to my circle with your gifts of emotion, intuition and receptivity. Be with me as the guide for my dreams and self-discovery. Spirits of Water be with me this night.

I call to the Lord, God of All, and invite you to my circle with your gifts of everlasting vitality and the spark of life that brings the world into being. Lord of All, be with me this night.

I call to the Lady, Goddess of All and invite you to my circle with your gifts of the powers of earth and the mystery of sister Luna. Lady of All, be with me this night.

Nature also has many gifts to offer and tonight we combine these with ours. The acorn is a tiny thing that holds great promise for the future. From something so small comes something great. It offers strength and endurance. Tonight these acorns will be symbolic of the gifts we offer the world.

Cup the acorns between your palms. Let your thoughts and energy flow into them as you think of what you wish for others. You may wish someone the gift of good health, you may offer the gift of your friendship, or you may wish that a person receive the strength to deal with a challenge in his or her life.

Walk around your altar three times, and then one by one place an acorn on it. As you place each one, say aloud to whom you are offering a gift and what that gift is. When you are finished, and to give power to the intention of your gifts, raise energy with the vine dance.

If you are using recorded music, begin it now, and then begin your dance. Your left leg advances your step. Your right leg will move first, behind then in front of the left to simulate the winding growth of a vine. To begin, place your right foot behind the left, then step sideways with your left foot. Cross your right foot in front of the left, and then take another step with your left foot. Keep alternating the movement of your right foot behind, then in front of your left as you step with your left.

After the energy has reached its peak and you have released it, bring your dancing to an end. Stop the tape or CD. Take a few minutes to ground your energy.

Walk to the edge of the circle in the respective direction as you dismiss each. After speaking, extinguish a candle on the altar. Stand in front of the altar when addressing the Goddess and God.

Lady, Goddess of All, thank you for the gifts you bestow on me and for joining my circle this night. I ask for your blessing as you depart, and bid you farewell.

Lord, God of All, thank you for the gifts you bestow on me and for joining my circle this night. I ask for your blessing as you depart, and bid you farewell.

Spirits of West, of Water, thank you for the gift of dreams and self-discovery. I ask for your blessing as you depart, and bid you farewell.

Spirits of South, of Fire, thank you for the gift of transformation. I ask for your blessing as you depart, and bid you farewell.

Spirits of East, of Air, thank you for the gift of nature’s voice. I ask for your blessing as you depart, and bid you farewell.

Spirits of North, of Earth, thank you for the gift of connection with sacred places. I ask for your blessing as you depart, and bid you farewell.

Standing in front of your altar, say:
In sacred circle’s fading light,
Through the stillness of this night.
Intended gifts, fly from me,
To those I named, so mote it be.
In faith and unity, blessed be.